Welcome to the website of John Cox, Historian, Published Author. Since 1978, John Cox has been writing historical books on Bermuda; its traditions, characters, ghosts and legends. This website shares with you the many books John has authored and published.
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Latest Book 2017
Detailed here for posterity are the stories of iconic Bermuda characters that John Cox knew and loved from growing up in Bermuda.
These “mentors”, as John describes them, share with us a world that has become altogether alien in our fast-moving, technological era. While sometimes sad, at others, engagingly funny, the tales captured here are always deeply poignant.
John Cox says this is his last book on life in old Bermuda. Perhaps it is his best. Certainly it is the one that has become closest to his heart.
“How proud and spirited they were, these ‘old Bermudians’ who flourished in the middle of the sea.” – Gillian Silk

At the age of 12, John Cox was awakened suddenly in the middle of the night, someone was shaking him, urging him to wake up. When he opened his eyes he only saw darkness, no one was there. He was alone in the room, yet someone determined to rouse him out of his deep sleep. Suddenly he heard footsteps, quiet at first, then slowly getting louder and louder as they passed his bed and headed out into the hall. They faded into the distance, making the lights flicker as they passed. Then nothing.
If this only happened once, John could have convinced himself it was only a dream, but night after night this strange occurrence continued until he moved out of the bedroom. The midnight encounters ended.
This disturbing experience had a long-lasting effect on John, sparking a fascination in the supernatural and a love of Bermuda’s ghosts and legends.
John Cox received the Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition for his books on Bermuda history and Folklore….. Read More